God of Animals
Have you ever wonder what is God thing to Animals??
Lemme tell you what I really feel about this!!
Does god hear the Cries of those who do not Communicate in Human language??
Does his heart responds to the motherless Puppies or Kitten? or the Donkeys that bear the heavy load far on it??
Does he care about those animals which are killed for Human profit??
and Intrestingly, How god actually Looks like? (for animals)
According to Bible, God created Animals for sharing Love and Peace.
When adam was created, god surrounded him with animals to learn from them. (According to Bible, which is written by human kind clearly proves that the human kind is supperiour to all the living being on earth.)
But, who has written this Bible/Bagvadgitha Stuff?? Human brain or God??
And Finally, How does this God thing Look like for other creatures??
Birds as Birds, Donkey as Donkey and Fish as Fish?? (afterall we humans have given them such names.)
Human kind is not prior to any creature on earth, all are born with equal energies and Powers on this earth. It is believed that human race has evolved in finding the new ways and Possibilities of easy living.
There is no god thing in real. It is you, who hold the universal Powers inside the brain.
Find the Purpose of Life and Stay Hungry. Ofcourse, Human kind changed the real life shit. Its you who created machines, its you who created cities, its you who transformed and its you in the past and in the Future. There is no god thing for animals, there purpose here is to eat, live and Die unlike human kind..
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